A resource for all to strengthen a diverse library and information workforce

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai 
Nurture the seed and it will blossom




Te Tōtara is a capability framework for our Aotearoa library and information sector. It is a set of skills, behaviours and attitudes needed to do our jobs well, now and in the future.


This framework includes most of the capabilities needed for libraries and related teams. It is based on best practices and considers evolving competencies such as digital information storage and sharing.

A workforce capability framework provides:
  • Consistency: a common foundation and language to describe the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform work within a role in the library or wider sector.
  • Clarity: a clear understanding of expectations for a role, helping people to identify strengths that will enable them to succeed in their current role and/or create a career pathway. It forms part of our personal development plan.
  • Autonomy: an equitable approach to workforce development, helping people identify strengths and development objectives that will help them.

The framework was co-created with input from over 100 representatives in the Aotearoa library and information sector and collaboration with the Aotearoa (LIANZA and Te Rōpū Whakahau), Australian (ALIA), and United Kingdom (CILIP) library associations.

What is this framework about?

Create your Tōtara workbook or worksheet

Read and reflect on the values and capabilities in Te Tōtara (start at section A and move up).

How to use the Te Tōtara and your Taku Tōtara Workbook

You can use this workbook at any time, (or ideally at the start of a 12-month cycle), to assess your capabilities and create goals for your learning and development. 


Find out where your strengths lie and where there are areas for growth and development. As you self-assess, have a think about: 
  • Would I like to grow my strengths in this area?
  • What opportunities are available?
  • What is blocking my learning and how can I overcome this?
  • What strengths or wisdom could I share with my team or wider library network?

Identify the parts of Te Tōtara that you want to focus on now.  


The goal is to identify three areas where you would like to develop further skills and how you will plan for these.  


Bring these goals to a kōrero with your team leader or manager. 

How to use this workbook alongside Te Tōtara Capability Framework

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Get ready

Have Te Tōtara capability framework document ready on your screen (or your team could print and bind one copy to share) to reference the descriptions about each capability. You can either print the Taku Tōtara workbook or complete it on your computer.

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Read & reflect

Read the capability descriptions in Te Tōtara document, assess your level of capability, and reflect on the questions related to your capability level.

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Write down your thoughts and reflections, using the areas in this workbook. In a few words, record your strengths and if there are any 'work in progress' areas you would like to develop further. Try and keep it short and sweet!

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Set goals & plan

Analyse all your strengths and work-in-progress areas and set three ATAMAI (SMART) goals in the capability areas where you want or need to learn and develop.

Make an action plan for your goals using the calendar.

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Have a kōrero with your manager, team leader or team on how you will approach this learning and development, when you will review together, and adjust the goals and plans accordingly.

Short on time?

There is also a short version of Taku Tōtara which you can use either as a quick reference to self-assess and set some goals in an Action Plan and then kōrero with your team leader or manager.


The expectation of your capability level depends on your role, department or the organisation you work in. Remember, the goal is not to be an expert in every capability identified in this framework.

Useful introductory resources

Useful resources for leaders and teams
There are many ways to approach Te Tōtara, as teams and individuals. Your approach may be:
  • comprehensive or bite-sized
  • starting at the roots or starting at a particular capability area
  • engaging individually or as a team exercise, sharing team capabilities about the knowledge, skills and attitudes that make up librarianship
  • sharing with key stakeholders in your organisation or sharing with groups in your communities.
How do you feel
Learning Leader

Professional Registration

Your reflections on the areas in Te Tōtara and the learning goals you set can be used to demonstrate your professional development in applying for professional registration and revalidation. 

LIANZA Te Tōtara Workforce Capability Project 2024

Project work commenced in March 2024 to ensure that the investment of time, passion, and money in the development phase continued and that the sector has a sustainable model for workforce capability development.


This project will:  
  • evaluate the sector experience with Te Tōtara
  • promote workforce capability development for the sector and the framework
  • evaluate, develop and promote the opportunities for sector-wide implementation.
How you can be involved in this project:
  • Anyone is welcome to drop a line to the Project Manager, Annemarie Thomas >
  • Professional leaders, team managers and anyone considering using Te Tōtara might like to join the Te Tōtara community of practice on LIANZA Connect here >
  • If you're not on LIANZA Connect yet, sign up here >
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