LIANZA promotes the value of libraries and librarians.
You, our members are the foundation of LIANZA and we think it's important to celebrate your many successes. One way we can celebrate these achievements is by offering grants and awards.

As the recognised voice for professionals and institutions working across the whole library and information sector, LIANZA is the body through which recommendations for Aotearoa New Zealand library services are made to the government and others.

Join your peers on LIANZA Connect or through a LIANZA professional community in your region or special interest area.
Find out more about library and information associations overseas through LIANZA.

LIANZA keeps you informed about issues and news about the LIS sector in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.
Our platforms include social media, the magazine Te Rau Ora Library Life , our monthly newsletter LIANZA Kōrero and the e-platform for you to connect with your peers, LIANZA Connect.