These education providers offer tertiary qualifications in indigenous knowledge management, library and information studies that are relevant for professionals working in public, school, tertiary, national and special libraries, and whānau, iwi and marae collections of taonga tuku iho.
Open Polytechnic Kuratini Tuwhera | Te Pūkenga

Open Polytechnic offers a range of qualifications for the New Zealand library, information management and records management sector.


Find more information here.


LIANZA personal members and institutional member staff who enrol as domestic learners can receive a 10% discount on all Open Polytechnic library and information qualifications, PLUS up to two courses can be offered fees-free, find out more here.


To discuss your options, get in touch:

Eric Boamah | Library and Information Studies Degree Leader
0508 650 200 x5858

Te Wānanga o Raukawa

Te Wānanga o Raukawa offers  Heke Puna Maumahara Diploma in Library and Information Management and Poutuarongo Puna Maumahara Bachelor of Information Management. These qualifications focus on ensuring the survival of taonga tuku iho (inherited treasures) and repositories of knowledge by drawing on tikanga and kawa relevant to your iwi, hapū, marae or organisation.


Find more information here. 


To discuss your options, get in touch:


Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka | School of Information Management

The School of Information Management offers postgraduate diplomas, certificates and master qualifications in information studies.


Find more information here.


To discuss your options, get in touch:

Paige Macintosh | Senior School Administrator



Anne Goulding | Programme Director


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Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

​Te Wānanga o Aotearoa offers He Waka Hiringa  Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge. Underpinned by indigenous values and principles, this qualification challenges practitioners to consider the holistic needs of indigenous people from traditional and contemporary perspectives.


Find more information here.


To discuss your options, get in touch:

Rosie Mataroa | Coordinator He Waka Hiringa Programme
09 255 6795


Aileen Verry | Coordinator He Waka Hiringa Programme
07 843 2714

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