What is Professional Registration (RLIANZA)?

The Professional Registration scheme was introduced by LIANZA in 2007, in order to increase the standing of the Library and Information profession in New Zealand, recognise professional excellence and continuing professional development, and provide a mechanism by which employers can coach and develop their professional staff.


The scheme also provides an assurance for future employers, both in New Zealand and overseas, that the registrant meets professional standards of competency in the body of knowledge and ethics required for library and information work.


Why should I register?
A few benefits of being professionally registered are:
  • Gain recognition of your commitment to professional standards and enhance your professional competence throughout your career
  • Use the registration process and bodies of guide reflection on your professional practice
  • Demonstrate your engagement with latest innovation and developments in the profession
  • Display your commitment to professional learning to your peers, current and prospective employers
  • Gain greater influence within your organisation and the wider sector
  • Gain international recognition of your qualifications and professional registration through reciprocal agreements between LIANZA and other library associations

Who is eligible?

To be eligible you must meet the following requirements:
  •  Have shown a theoretical understanding of the body of knowledge through achievement of a recognised qualification at graduate level or higher
  •  Be able to practically apply the body of knowledge in a library and information environment
  •  Be an personal member of one of the following professional library and information management associations
    • Te Rau Herenga o Aotearoa (LIANZA)
    • School Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (SLANZA)
    • Te Rōpū Whakahau (TRW)
    • New Zealand Law Librarians' Association (NZLLA)
    • International Association of Music Librarians (IAMLNZ)
    • Australian NZ Theological Library Association (ANZTLA)

What is a recognised qualification?

There are three modes of entry into the scheme depending on the qualification that you hold.

ROUTE A - A recognised New Zealand library and information qualification
This is one of the following:
  • Master of Information Studies (MIS) - Victoria University of Wellington
  • Master of Library & Information Science (MLIS) - Victoria University of Wellington
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Information Studies (PGDipIS) - Victoria University of Wellington
  • Bachelor of Applied Science with Information and Library Studies (ILS) major - Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Arts with ILS major or double major with ILS / Humanities or ILS / Communication - Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Library and Information Studies - Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

No BoK Mapping is required for registration via Route A.

ROUTE B - A recognised overseas library and information qualification
LIANZA recognises overseas qualifications at bachelors or above as recognised by these associations:
  • Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals in the United Kingdom (CILIP)
  • Australian Library & Information Association (ALIA)
  • American Library Association (ALA)
  • Canadian Library Association (CLA)

Other overseas library and information management qualifications may be approved by the PR Board where they can be mapped against the body of knowledge and are accompanied by a NZQA International Qualifications assessment demonstrating that the qualification is at graduate level or above

ROUTE C - Other circumstances

In the following situations applicants may be accepted, however, they must be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the Body of Knowledge


  • ​Where an individual has a qualification at a minimum of Bachelor's level, and can demonstrate 3 or more years of experience in the profession by mapping this against the 11 areas of the Body of Knowledge.

In the case of Route C, it doesn't matter whether your qualification was obtained in New Zealand or in another country. What is key is your ability to effectively map your education and experience against the Body of Knowledge.

PR Flowchart
How much does it cost?

The initial application fee is $57.50 which should be included in your application. Following the approval of your registration by the LIANZA Professional Registration Board, you will then be invoiced $115.00 GST incl annually along with your LIANZA annual membership fee. Please note that you can pay by internet banking, credit card and can also pay in installments. Please email for any assistance.


How do I register?

To register you need to complete the Professional Registration Application Form and include a copy of your CV, confirmation of your association membership, official academic transcript and the mapping of your work experience and learning against the Body of Knowledge (if Route B or C, not required for Route A) & email that to More information on mapping can be found here.


Your application will be reviewed by the Professional Registration Board and you will be notified about your acceptance into the scheme by the LIANZA Office. If your knowledge appears light in any areas then the Board may request that you complete training in a specific area or that you do a period of mentoring.


I'm not sure if my qualifications meet the guidelines 

If you're not sure if your qualification will be accepted by the PR Board then please email including a copy of your CV. The office will forward this to the PR Board chair who will be able to advise if your qualification and experience are likely to meet requirements. Please note that this response does not guarantee entry to the scheme.


I want more information on BoK mapping?
When we ask you to map your career against the Body of Knowledge, the PR Board is looking for you to go through your study, career, and other experience, and find relevant examples that demonstrate your understanding of each area of the Body of Knowledge. Generally, we expect a maximum of 250 words against each BOK. You can find an example of mapping here.

What about revalidation?

Revalidation is the process of demonstrating that you have been actively participating in professional development activities. These can be anything from reading an article about a relevant topic to attending a conference. Every three years you are required to complete a journal and submit this to the Professional Registration Board for approval.


More information on how to revalidate can be found here.
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