Introducing the Open Access Toolkit for NZ Aotearoa researchers

Berit Anderson is the Open Access Toolkit Project Lead. Berit works at Ngā Ratonga Manaaki Rangahau | Research Services, Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland. Berit’s blog post on the Open Access Toolkit has been republished with permission. It was originally published by IFLA on January 24 here.   Globally, openly accessible research is […]

Introducing the Open Access Toolkit for NZ Aotearoa researchers Read more >

LIANZA endorse Te Paea Paringatai’s IFLA presidency nomination

“Libraries hold the power to transform lives and strengthen communities. With your support, I am confident we can work together to lead IFLA into an exciting and impactful future,” says IFLA President-elect nominee Te Paea Paringatai.   Well-known to the library and information community in Aotearoa, Te Paea will be standing for the IFLA President-elect

LIANZA endorse Te Paea Paringatai’s IFLA presidency nomination Read more >

Celebrating school librarians

This article was written by Siren Deluxe, mother and Manager of Libraries and Cultural Services at Kāpiti District Council, in praise of her children’s school librarian.   At the end of the school year, primary school teachers are inundated by home-baking and coffee mugs with attempted humour on them. The bond formed between student and

Celebrating school librarians Read more >

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