Library and information services advocate for freedom to read and access to information.

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Emerging challenges - how to be prepared

Libraries advocate for freedom to read and freedom of access to information. In Aotearoa New Zealand there have been recent and increasing challenges to library content and activities on topics that include sex education and Rainbow community issues. Other topics challenged include misinformation about Māori history, child-raising manuals supporting physical discipline, and books about vaccination.


Libraries have experienced protests when delivering Rainbow events, and groups are mobilising to coordinate and share ideas to challenge these events.


Some differences in Aotearoa New Zealand change the nature and scope of campaigns to censor or challenge books and events. This toolkit will help you understand the local legislation and environment to help you respond.

What is a challenge?

A challenge is when someone attempts to censor, remove, or restrict access to a publication, item or event so that it can't be accessed or is hard to access.  Sometimes, challenges can be justified to protect people from certain information or mis/disinformation. 

This toolkit provides background information on challenges, the legal framework, guidelines, processes and resources for dealing with emerging challenges to libraries.

Be prepared

These resources provide the complex background material to prepare yourself, your library, your library staff and the institutions in which your library functions.


Read these alongside the quick guides for different roles below.

Legal framework

Update your policies

Check your processes

Event management

Be a challenge champion

Who are the players

Use these key messages when responding to challenges.

LIANZA Freedom-to-Read Toolkit quick guides

Each of these players has a role to play in responding to the challenges. Quick guides have been prepared so key players and organisations can prepare for challenges.

Quick guide for public library managers

Quick guide for school library staff

Quick guide for call
centre staff

Quick guide for front-line staff

Quick guide for collections librarians

Challenges - frequently asked questions

This toolkit was prepared by the LIANZA Standing Committee on Freedom of Information, with help from a review group across Aotearoa.
If you need further advice, contact the committee here >

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