Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will blossom
Kaupapa for this capability framework
Whether you are serving communities, caring for collections, or managing information, the vision of a capable Aotearoa library workforce is for kaimahi to be guided by these kaupapa Māori*:
- Rangatiratanga - leading self and others
- Kotahitanga - strength in unity, teamwork
- Manaakitanga - kindness, respect and hospitality
- Pūkengatanga - continuous development
- Whanaungatanga - kinship and relationships
- Ūkaipōtanga - nourishing a place of belonging
- Kaitiakitanga - guardianship and protection
*Adopted from the ART Confederation / Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
Feedback from your colleagues who piloted Te Tōtara
"Te Ao Māori approach that feels authentic. I also love the grounding in Te Ao Māori and the whakatauki throughout - it does not feel like add-ons or lip service to me and they fit perfectly in the context."
"Like the idea that we have a shared language across the sector about capabilities and values."
"Reflective practice: Using it as a way to reflect on what you are doing. Lends itself well to reflection and discussion as a group (team meetings) conversation starter."
"This has been something missing for staff - it says that they are valuable, and professionals, and they have the right to grow. Start small and help develop that further."
How long will it take?
Just like the forest, your workbook will continue to change and grow as you do.
You don't have to complete all of the elements and sections in one sitting, you can choose to do a section at a time.
For a comprehensive approach to your self-assessment, download the Taku Tōtara Workbook and, starting with Section A and B, work your way through the capabilities and then create your goals. Remember, the expectation of your capability level depends on your role, department or the organisation you work in. The goal is not be an expert in every capability identified in the framework.
- Ngā paiaka - the roots containing the kaupapa (about 20 minutes)
- Te tīwai - the trunk containing ethics and context (about 10 minutes)
- Ngā rūhā - the branches containing capability groups (about 90 minutes)
- Te rau hinga - the fallen leaves containing reflection and evaluation (about 30 minutes)
- Then summarising this into your plan for the year (about 30 minutes)
Sector leaders endorse Te Tōtara Workforce Capability Framework
In a joint statement, leaders from across the library and information management sector recognise that Te Tōtara provides the generic values, ethics and capabilities needed for working in the library and information sector:
“We encourage you to apply this framework to strengthen the learning and development culture in your teams and to strengthen diverse capabilities in your workforce.”
Representatives from LIANZA, Te Rōpū Whakahau, PLNZ, SLANZA, ARANZ, National and Alexander Turnbull Library attended the hui.