E kore tātau e mōhio ki te waitohu nui o te wai kia mimiti rawa te puna.
We never know the worth of water until the well runs dry
- Te Wharehuia Milroy (Ngāi Tūhoe)
Libraries and Climate Action
At the IFLA World Library Congress in July 2022, Michael Peter Edson, a digital cultural strategist challenged library and information professionals to take action on climate change. "We can all sit back and tread water and think about difficult ideas but as soon as you decide as an individual or a workgroup or an institution to say something in public it is a completely different game. Working in safe, slow incremental ways will not enable us to get over this Big Frikin' Wall".
The LIANZA Standing Committee on Climate Action was established in June 2023, responding to the scale of the climate crisis and the need to demonstrate leadership and provide guidance to the sector.
Library and information professionals have a vital role to play in the climate crisis, encouraging communities to learn, discuss and take action.
What we do:
- Research, write and recommend policy statements, submissions and external messages for LIANZA. Inform and support members through statements, resources, advocacy and advice, and encourage them to take part in climate action.
- Encourage discussion and inform our profession via LIANZA publications, social media, presentations, conferences and webinars.
- Learn from and contribute to international discourse via IFLA and other international library associations.
- Liaise with other organisations working in the climate change space in Aotearoa to learn about key campaigns or areas of work underway, and identify opportunities to partner together.
LIANZA Statement on Climate Action
- Following advice & work from the LIANZA Standing Committee on Climate Action, LIANZA Council adopted the new LIANZA Statement on Climate Action 2024.
Climate Action Column
Contact us
Email: climate@lianza.org.nz or contact LIANZA: officeadmin@lianza.org.nz
Current members of the committee:
- Alexis McCullough, Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland Libraries
- Kākahu Ethan Banks, Central Otago and Queenstown Libraries
- Jane Clark, Te Putanga ki te ao Mātauranga | Massey University Library
- Sarah Jordan, Ngā Puna Mātauranga o Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta | Upper Hutt Libraries
- Justine Lester, Tasman District Libraries
- Marion Read, Te Kahui Kaunihera ō Aotearoa | Local Government New Zealand
- Kay Stodart, Porirua City Libraries
- Sana Saleem, Unitec Institute of Technology