LIANZA is a strong voice driving the future of the library and information sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. We do this by empowering the sector to advocate for change so they can successfully navigate into the future. We communicate the value of libraries and information services and build sector capacity.

Key advocacy areas

Our current key advocacy priorities are: sustainability and climate action, copyright, digital equity, open access, information literacy, literacy.


The LIANZA Standing Committee on Copyright and the LIANZA Standing Committee on Freedom of Information provide information, advice and advocacy on these key policy areas. They keep members informed and increase the relevancy of LIANZA's voice in government submissions and wider advocacy.


The LIANZA Standing Committee on Climate Action was established in 2023 to respond to the scale of the climate crisis and the need to demonstrate leadership and provide guidance to the sector.


Library and information professionals have a vital role to play in the climate crisis, encouraging communities to learn, discuss and take action.

You can find information on copyright, privacy, Marrakesh guidelines and more on these pages.


Join a standing committee and support them in their advocacy and advice provision.

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