August 2024

Dahlia Malaeulu and Mila’s Books

Dahlia Malaeulu is a Samoan New Zealander with connections to the villages of Vaivase tai and Sinamoga in Samoa. Dahlia is a writer, publisher and the founder of Mila’s Books, which produce Pacific children’s books that help tamaiti be seen, heard and valued. Dahlia is a major advocate for Pasifika literature and creating spaces that […]

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100 reasons to have a library card

After winning first place in the IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award 2024, Catherine Leonard, Auckland Council’s Head of Library and Learning Services, shares the secret to the success of their membership campaign ‘100 reasons to have a library card’. “Going to the library changed my life. It may even have saved it” Billy Connolly. For

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Ngā Puna Mātaraunga O Te Awa Kairangi Ki Uta Upper Hutt Libraries Outreach

Ngā Puna Mātaraunga o Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta Upper Hutt Libraries have unique ways of reaching their community. With two mobile libraries, the EV Mangaroa and Pūrehurehu, as well as their Manaaki Cart, Upper Hutt Libraries outreach services can be found at most local festivals and community events, council events, schools, parks, early childhood

Ngā Puna Mātaraunga O Te Awa Kairangi Ki Uta Upper Hutt Libraries Outreach Read more >

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