March 2023

Tasman Heritage and Oral History Project

Glennis Coote of Tasman District Libraries talked to Te Rau Ora Library Life about the Tasman District heritage and oral histories project. In 2021, Tasman District Libraries received funding from the New Zealand Partnership Programme (NZLPP)  to enable them to develop more material for their online heritage repository. “We received funding to move from Kete

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Librarian Pay Equity

Pay equity is one of the library and information sector’s most pressing issues. Lack of pay equity has a flow-on effect on the ability of libraries to provide effective services and their ability to attract and keep staff. In December last year, LIANZA held a webinar on pay equity and the current claims for school,

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Mary Ronnie Obituary LIANZA

​Mary Ronnie was an astute and capable leader in the library world. ​ Active in the profession, she started work at Dunedin Public Library when she was fifteen years old and became the Dunedin City Librarian in the 1960s, later Auckland City Librarian, the first woman to be a National Librarian (1976-1981), she later taught

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