December 2022

2022 Helen Zwartz scholarship recipient – Nicole Thorburn

Nicole is a librarian at Thames-Coromandel District Libraries. This year she was awarded the Helen Zwartz Scholarship, which provides funding for librarians or staff working in a public library in one of New Zealand’s smaller communities or Māori and Pacific communities, to undertake a week-long residency at Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of […]

2022 Helen Zwartz scholarship recipient – Nicole Thorburn Read more >

Research focus- the Digital Participation Lab at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington

Libraries across Aotearoa New Zealand play a huge role in supporting people’s digital engagement within the community. Partnering with other organisations such as the Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa (DIAA), public libraries enable people to get online through initiatives such as Skinny Jump. They support the development of digital literacy in communities by making technology available

Research focus- the Digital Participation Lab at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington Read more >

LIANZA President attends IFLA Asia Oceania regional workshop in Bangkok

Te Rau Herenga o Aotearoa LIANZA President, Kim Taunga, recently attended a five-day IFLA Asia Oceania Regional Workshop and Pacific Libraries meeting at the National Library of Thailand in Bangkok. The IFLA 2022-23 presidential theme or call to action is Libraries: Building a Sustainable Future. The IFLA Asia Oceania regional workshop focused on building a stronger

LIANZA President attends IFLA Asia Oceania regional workshop in Bangkok Read more >

NZLPP Sustainable Libraries Symposium

How do we keep the momentum going? This was the question asked by Te Pouhuaki Rachel Esson at the Sustainable Libraries Symposium in Wellington on November 14 An inspiring event, the symposium presented project work developed through New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme (NZLPP) $58.8 million COVID recovery package to support libraries. This included the Data,

NZLPP Sustainable Libraries Symposium Read more >

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